Thursday, Mar 25, 2010 at 12:38
Yeah people forget that those old dinosaurs were new technology once.
We went through this in the late 80's with new fan dangle electronic truck engines, had so many drivers say "I'm never going to get one of those new ones.....what happens when they break down in the middle of no where and how can you get so much HP and torque out of a small engine"
Gulf transport use to run Cummins k19 engines in some of there roadtrains and they did a
test with this new Cummins N14 525E engine, the K19 is a 19 lt. engine compared the the N14 at 14 llt.s, they found the N14 to be better on fuel and gave more usable torque giving quicker trip times....that was 20 years ago.
If people took the time to go back they will find most new engines have given some trouble when they were first introduced.
Piston problems, cylinder heads cracking, crank and big ends.
Doctors must have a very hard time with some clients....trying to convince then the new material they use in hip joints is better then the old!