Bull bars and UHF antenna Mounts and UHF Radios

Submitted: Friday, Oct 17, 2003 at 22:12
ThreadID: 7901 Views:7808 Replies:7 FollowUps:9
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Hi all,
To those of you who made recommendations for a tent Thanks.

Now Im trying to determine which UHF CB, my question is not about which brand - already lots of forum debates on that. I have a imitation 4wd (Hyundai Terracan). If anyone has had any experiences install UHF radios in these appreciate any feedback.

All recommendations appear to say mount the antenna on the bull bar, whilst Im not against putting on a bull bar, it certainly makes for an expensive radio. Are there other appropriate places to mount an antenna.

Does any one know of any good installers of the radios. (Give me a building full of computers and I'll set you up a fantastic network solution - but point me to car with a spanner and it means disaster). Im in the Castle Hill area in Sydney.

If I do need a bull bar Topdog 4wd have midi tube 76mm bars for about $660 (Sydney) - are there any other places how install bull bars that I can get quotes from in Sydney.


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Reply By: Member - Ross - Friday, Oct 17, 2003 at 22:28

Friday, Oct 17, 2003 at 22:28
Sorry mate ... can't help myself.

Put it on the garage door ... that's about as far as you can go.

Only kidding really .... enjoy the Terry, but easy on the clutch if you venture onto sand.Rosco
AnswerID: 34223

Follow Up By: Sparhawk - Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 05:44

Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 05:44
Phew - got an auto... (grin)
Already been to stockton beach a few times with mates, watched their crusiers and patrols get stuck, but the terry didn't skip a beat.

Go the terry.........
FollowupID: 24651

Reply By: Savvas - Friday, Oct 17, 2003 at 22:43

Friday, Oct 17, 2003 at 22:43

Bull bar isn't necessary for the antennna.

You can get "z" type mounting brackets for the antenna which allow you to mount it between the bonnet and front guard of the vehicle. Here's an example - http://www.dse.com.au/cgi-bin/dse.storefront/3f8fe13b087c667a2740c0a87f9c0746/Product/View/D5152.

For installation, Strathfield Car Radio sell both GME and Uniden and I presume would do installation as well. Also, try a 4wd store like ARB Northside at Artarmon.

Good luck,
AnswerID: 34226

Reply By: jeepy - Friday, Oct 17, 2003 at 22:46

Friday, Oct 17, 2003 at 22:46

that would be the most expensive UHF ever, if you needed a bullbar.

You definately don't need a bullbar for an antenna. The reason most people like the bullbar is 1. its a strong point if you want a big antenna (not really necessay unless you plan on using in the outback) and 2. its just easy to mount their as most bullbars have a little hole for an aerial.

In terms of placement, the absolute best spot is on the roof, however this is generally not all that practical for most people (especially if you use underground car parks)

For your situation I'd mount it like mine using a z-bracket in between the bonnet and the wheel arch eg. http://www.dse.com.au/cgi-bin/dse.storefront/3f8fe2c705ce91ea273fc0a87f9c0784/Product/View/D5152

Check out GME www.gme.net.au they make the best radios and antennas in my opinion

AnswerID: 34227

Follow Up By: jeepy - Friday, Oct 17, 2003 at 22:47

Friday, Oct 17, 2003 at 22:47
Beat me to it Savvas

FollowupID: 24643

Follow Up By: Savvas - Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 06:22

Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 06:22

Great minds think alike, Jeepy!
FollowupID: 24652

Reply By: uppy - Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 08:15

Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 08:15
Dave talk to Bob l when he is on line he has a company that installs radios and he knows what he talking about. He put me in the right direction ,thanks bob and i see you next month
AnswerID: 34251

Reply By: Brian - Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 08:19

Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 08:19
Hi Sparhawk... just to add some more confusion... I remember standing at the counter at Dick Smiths with $450 worth of UHF.... credit card ready to go... suddenly changed my mind and paid $110 for a Uniden hand held..... for car-to-car comms they are brilliant! and you don't need either an antenna mounted anywhere or the bull bar to mount the antenna! (or the "Z" bracket which is what I would have used 'cos I don't have a bull bar either.....yet. )
Think it over... might just save you potentially $900-1000
($660 for the bar, say $400 for the radio,whatever for install less $110 or so for the handheld))
AnswerID: 34252

Follow Up By: jeepy - Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 10:35

Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 10:35
Brian makes a good point.
If you are planning on using it in convoy, I'd go for a handheld first. In close range situations (ie. less than 2km) I actually prefer my little handheld as its very versatile (can get out of the car and still use it, lend to friends who don't have a UHF or use it for spotting)

However if you want to use it for longer range comms (ie. greater than 3km) then an in car set up is the go.

FollowupID: 24659

Follow Up By: Savvas - Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 16:40

Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 16:40
Me too. I'm using a Uniden UH040XR handheld for car-to-car comms. Cost me about $100 with the additional handheld mic. Works fine for our purposes.

I'm planning on an in-car GME in the future at sometime.
FollowupID: 24683

Follow Up By: Member - Jack - Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 19:32

Saturday, Oct 18, 2003 at 19:32
Hi ...
I am just back from a short trip around Mudgee NSW where my two fellow travellers/vehicles had Uniden hand helds ... (they bought two for $98 all up and took one each ..). I have an in car model.
I was more than surprised at the range of these supposedly "el cheapo" models .. and when they started breaking up I got in the middle and "relayed" messages.
I think they are pretty good where the travelling is fairly close ( 3 km or so) ... but it might be a problem in areas where it is necessary to maintain greater distance between vehicles, such as travelling in extrememly dusty areas.
Still, for $98 a pair they represent extremely good value in my opinion.
JackNo trees were harmed in the making or sending of this message. However a
great number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
FollowupID: 24700

Reply By: Member - Bob L - Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 19:27

Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 19:27
For value and size look at
GME TX3200 $339
AE4017K1 $ 74 AE4017K2 with spring base $100
Z Bracket $ 10
Install $ 66 ($90 in dash if applicable)

For the very latest with extra receive channels look at Icom's Pro400, magic radio but possibly more diffcult to find space to put it. $480

The GME TX3400 with its remote head is a great space saver at $459.

Radio prices are below RRP but should be achievable over the counterin your area.
Bob L

PS All GME uhf product (except TX610) is made in Australia (Gladesville).
AnswerID: 34381

Follow Up By: Sparhawk - Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 20:56

Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 20:56
Hi Bob,

Are you located in Sydney. If so how can I contact you.

FollowupID: 24765

Follow Up By: Member - Bob L - Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 21:55

Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 21:55

No not Sydney, Wagga Wagga is big enough for me.

Good luck
Bob L
FollowupID: 24771

Follow Up By: Sparhawk - Monday, Oct 20, 2003 at 09:34

Monday, Oct 20, 2003 at 09:34
Hi Bob,

Do you have any contacts in Sydney who you would recommend ?

Also any comments on Uniden specifically the 013 model, or are the GME just better buys for a local warrany support reason

Cheers Dave

FollowupID: 24793

Reply By: Member - Bob L - Monday, Oct 20, 2003 at 21:15

Monday, Oct 20, 2003 at 21:15
Spoke to the GME rep today. Look in phone book under-
Major ? Cambelltown way
Action ? Kingswood
4wd ware House - Blactown area
StageCo ? Penrith, Hornsby, Gosford.
This is second hand info but worth a try. with regards Uniden UH013, if this is the model with 40 scanner channels my advice would be to forget it.
If you want to scan say Police uhf frequencies the GME TX4400 allows 20 extra Receive only channels which can be scanned with the stansard 40 channels (ie total 60).
The Uniden is either in normal mode or scanner mode and the only way to monitor your call channel while in scanner mode is to duplicate it in your scanner mode then to answer you need to change modes
If this sounds difficult to understand then Ive made my point.
They also make a dual uhf/hf unit which i do not like for similar reasons.
Hope this helps
Bob L

AnswerID: 34516

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