Saturday, Jun 12, 2010 at 21:54
Well my pick was and is a
Camp'o'matic hard floor. I bought a 97 and would not swap it for anything else. I have spent 3 months in the
Kimberley etc and it has been great. But there are only 2 of us. It is also fine in wet weather for 2 with the awning up which again takes less than 2 minutes. it only weighs about 650Kg loaded which I like as I am not a tower.
Maybe a hard floor with the kids in a tent is your answer as hard floors take 30 seconds to put up, and the kitchen slides out for quick lunches.
However they do not have much storage compared to a soft floor.
Some good brands -
Camp'o'matic up to 2004 when they stopped being made by the original owner.
Ultimate- Very popular but has inside kitchen. Has extension that can go under the main bed for the kids.
Kimberley has a good rep but expensiive. and T van has a great following but probably more for 2.
Look I think that a soft floor gets very old very fast in consistent wet weather. We have friends from
Canberra who were stuck in WA in 3 weeks of rain. they got so sick of it they traded it in WA and went
home in a Coramal camper. It is no fun in a downpour to have 120MM of water flowing through the tent and folding a big awning of wet canvas is no fun.
Regards Philip A