Thursday, Feb 03, 2011 at 19:12
Thanks for the reply Bazooka you are right I am not a great fan of Mr Brown. It is my opinion an I to have no political associations.
As you have stated in your reply that you observed a "lone walker get berated by a park ranger" this is not uncommon as their are no go areas in most National Parks. If you get the rangers on a good day (I work closely with the NPWS) some of them will admit that essentially their policy boils down to conservation by exclusion. As we know locking people and hunters out of national parks can allow feral species to flourish, particularly pigs, foxes and rabbits and horses. NPWS does their best to address these issues with baiting and shooting programs all of which I have been involved at various stages.
It is interesting to note that the NSW Games Council Rangers have noticed a distinct decline in a number of key feral species since they have opened up various state forests to recreational hunting. I believe (and I am not a hunter and do not even own a gun) that conservation hunting has a place even in a National Park. To me this is evidenced by the fact that even the NPWS employ hunters and dog trappers as part of their management strategy.
Regarding the fishing issues I can only tell you what I have experienced from within industry and their concerns regarding Mr Brown.
I offer the following article for your info.
The fishing forums are a wash with this stuff and it is causing great concern to anglers. I am aware that some of this is based on crap, some on fact, some on experience and the impacts on coastal communities and some tourism businesses.
Whilst there is a requirement to enforce various legislation I am loath to see new laws or restrictions placed on our activities. Such perhaps as bans on
camp fires or further mass marine park implementation. Whilst these types of restrictions have a place in some circumstances they only prevent honest people from undertaking the activity. The minority of idiots continue to abuse the system.
There are rules and regulations in place already that address most of the sustainability issues for fishing, behavioural issues with drivers etc. There is just not enough commitment from governments to enforce the rules in a targeted manner. It is cheaper to change an Act of parliament than to employ 2000 more police or 500 more Park Rangers or Fisheries Officers, who can target the offenders. Most people will voluntarily comply but you need the big stick to address the others.
Take fishing for instance their are restrictions on size limits, bag limits, possession limits, protected species, seasonal closures on
fish species, seasonal closures on particular areas, total closures on areas where fish are vulnerable, recreational, and commercial fishing licences, gear restrictions, bait restrictions, et etc etc. These mechanisms are all capable of addressing all of the issues associated with sustainable fishing. It is just easer and cheaper to put a blanket restriction on an area and if your in there you are booked.
I can tell you from experience that the honest people do stay out. The crooks also love it because it gives them better opportunities with less eyes around.
It MY opinion that Bob is dangerous, with his current position of power.