Sunday, Jun 19, 2011 at 15:54
Hi Niss 42 and Clint and Chell,
As an old plumber I recall being told by my boss as a first year apprentice back in 62,
"Son never open a valve all the way, take it all the way then bring it back at least 3/4 of a turn, Then if you have to close it and it has become tight you can move it either way to get it going."
This, I have found, is very good advice because sometimes a valve is fully open and if you are not aware then one might be tempted to get the stillsons on it and shear the spindle. Has happened more than you might think.
Just a bit of cautionary advice.
If a valve leaks around the spindle it is time to get it checked for the families sake.
Inspection update and valve replacement is cheap compared to injury or going through life without a dad.
Don't mean to preach guys but it is
dam dangerous stuff if it gets out of your control.
We use a $1.00 spray bottle filled with a detergent water mix and spray around the offending area and it will blow bubbles straight away.
Cheers, Bruce.
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