Friday, Jul 15, 2011 at 16:33
Wayne it happens and there is no use getting cranky, we got showed with rocks by a female drive in a sparkling NEW black Ford
Ranger towing a camper trailer last year on the road going into Lake Eyre...... One stone hit our windscreen and cracked it.
sign posted speed was 60 K/ph and she was doing a lot more then that.
If your going to travel on country roads sealed or non sealed, road works or not you have to expect damage and yes it is frustrating and can leave a sour taste in you mouth.
Wayne we do 1000's of kilometers a year on bad unsealed roads and the main thing that stops us getting damage is ourselves taking evasive action.
If these trucks were kicking up that much dust surly you would of seen them coming from a distance and could of pulled of the road.
I think you might have to put this one down as a expensive experience and next time you will no what to do.
No don't get me wrong and I'm not having a go at you but you drive a AU Falcon towing a van meaning that you unsealed or poor road experience may be lacking as compared to others on this site who travel on dirt or poor roads more.
Most people traveling outback roads know the danger and act accordingly.
I feel sorry for you but please don't take it personally.
One thing nobody can be sure of is if the trucks were traveling a the
sign posted speed would you of still got sprayed with stones and
rock, we have had a cracked windscreen on a wide section of unsealed road where our vehicle and the other vehicle was traveling at 25 K/ph BUT we have passed many going a lot fasted and got no damage.