Saturday, Sep 17, 2011 at 11:46
gordon /adel
the actual nullarbor is a treeless plain so your
camp will stick up like a dunny in the desert
you can get
well back off the road we went over a km to enjoy the vastness of it and escape from vehicle noises as endless numbers of trucks go past during thenight
can be a bit windy if you strike the wrong night you may be lucky enough to see a wombat in its natural habitat as we were and damit we were out of film so couldn't get any pictures this was back in the late 80's
in so far as someone saying that the campsites mentioned are not known about
that made me laugh
as i saw on e/o yesterday where they have had in excess of 58000 visitors view the explore oz site
so dont be surprised if there are moreamped there than you see at a beachside
camp lol
the word is out and just watch how the rubbish gets left there by the irresponsible types
i personelly hope not but that is wishfull thinking based on experience
to me its an interesting part of aus depending of course as to what you find interesting in remote zones everyone is different
take in the experience
cheers barry