Tuesday, Sep 27, 2011 at 16:12
I know you were asking retiree's but just thought I would post
Do it now!!
We have been on the road for 2 years. It has been hard at times, but for the most of it has been amazing. We work 3-4 months at a time, we have never been with out a job, (and never been paid less than $25 per hour- its not all fruit picking out there!!).
We have managed to put away money aswell so when we do want to settle we have a good nest egg, and not worrying about a morgage etc now.
Our boys LOVE it! We have been on a
farm the past 5 months and staying in a house. The kids are so hyped to be back in the van- we went and weighed the car and van and on the way out the youngest nearly 3 shouts hooray hooray hooray- we thought how cute! On the way back as we turned in the driveway he yelled NO NO NO!! So no one can tell me we are doing the wrong this for our children!
Our eldest is only in kindy, he has loved going to the different schools, playgroups, libraries and other great activities they have been able to do, (which previously they would not have had access to.)
We do not have a time plan, as long as we need I guess??
My only advice would be to leave with a good amount of savings- enough at least for 12 months of bills. That way if you do go without work you have the back up there, (or your engine blows or something similar).
I also agree with dunworkin- caravaning full time is not for everyone and there will be a lot of people that wonder what on earth is going through your mind!! My family (3 sisters) all have a van and we are all on the road with children. My otherside of the family and a lot of friends could not believe we would sell our
home, give up good paying jobs and head off to the unknown. Everyone is different.
Good luck with your future travels!