Sunday, Aug 05, 2012 at 21:54
Just sent a message to the ABC via their ABC Radio website ,maybe some others could do the same and we might just change things !!
Subject: Macka
I began listening to Macka some years ago, the programme then was informative,interesting and generally good to listen to.
Unfortunately I believe the programme has lost it punch. Macka spends too much time talking about himself and how he "hopes to catchup " with whoever, some time,interrupting callers and some times arrogant.
When he is on leave the stand in presenters do a much better job.
I believe he has past his use by date.
If I have my dates correct 25+years is enough.
I don't believe I am alone going by comments on some sites: eg.
I think it's about time for him to call it a day and the ABC give us a better Sunday morning.