Saturday, Jan 05, 2013 at 14:10
Dead right Les. `Do unto others....'
Its just a shame that so many people focus their energy on whinging and complaining all the time. Camping isn't always going to be perfect, nothing in life is.
A rule, (if one needs them), that could be considered and may
well help the negatively energized campers amongst us could be...... `Be tolerant of others'.
Everything really isn't down to rules, its about common sense, courteousy, consideration and compromise. If we can encompass those four things, in general I believe we can have a good time.
Unfortunately situations will always arise where someone else has no idea or such ethics. We come across these people in every walk of life. This is where I can offer no `across the board' solution or guide. The outcome of each of these situations should they be unfortunate enough to arise, ultimately depends on who we are, and those we are dealing with. Options I guess are invariably limited and I would sumise often not palatable.