Day 3 of Our Big Trip, the Simpson and south west Queensland

Friday, Jun 26, 2015 at 16:01

Member - Matwil

Was up before the sun rose this morning and packed up to br ready to take some sunrise photos.... but believe it or not the cloud blocked out the best part. Got one or two at the river and then decided to drive to Mildura. Louise wanted me to pick up a couple of packets of chocolate prunes from the Angas Park store there. We had bought some when we went through last January and they are to die for.Well guess what the store has closed down. SO no chocolate prunes. Hope the rest of the planning for the trip goes better than this... it was the only reason I went to Mildura. Anyway I am in Adelaide now, checked into the Motel and will arrive from Sydney just before 8pm. Might nick down to Haig Chocolates and stock up.
Long drive again but went through places I must come back to and explore, especially the towns along the Murray river on the SA side.

It is good to see that they have had rain and there is a lot of wheat just showing its head above the soil.

One bug today is the caravans on the road. Most are good drivers and let people pass but some leave their brains behind. Witnessed a caravan doing 80 in a 110 zone with a B double bearing down. I had moved over for the B double, but not the caravan. As soon as the truck started to overtake the caravan moved to the right and sped up. I think he had a death wish. Other than that all uneventful. After I pick up Louise we are going to the Adelaide night market for dinner. It is definitely worth doing.

Well until next report which should be from Hawker, SA then Maree, have a good evening and weekend.

Wanting to explore our vast wide land
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