Get ya maps out...
Submitted: Thursday, Apr 13, 2006 at 21:25
This Thread has been Archived
Laura B
Hi all,
Doing more planing of our trip and plans have changed - going to do 6 weeks from Nowra to Alice and to Surfers then down to
home again in Aug. ( we were going to go up to the top but have decided to do this when we do the cape trip in 2 yrs or so...)
but I need help!!! IM SERIOUS - GET THE MAPS OUT!!!
Ive figured we'll do the Plenty Hwy to
Boulia from Alice but would love to head south to
Cameron Corner....
so do we go down the Diamantina Dev. Road to
Bedourie but whats the best way from here???by the looks of the map we go east at Cluny and go through Monkira and Currawilla but where after this if we did this track???.....
would we go down through Nullah outstation and through Arrabury, Orientos and Santos then eventually west for a bit till we get to
cameron corner?????
then our next biggest thing is that we want to go to St. George and try and follow the QLD/NSW border to
Gold coast to go visit family.........
Also another one for you while you have the maps out.....
can we do that Arkaroola loop and still do
Oodnadatta???? I cannt seem to find it on the map and all I know is that its in the Flinders somewhere - am i right??!!LOL!!
Also what about doing the Gunbarrel over to Ayres
rock from I think its Finke? then doing
Chambers Pillar while around Alice even though its a bit of a hike....
Got any ideas - please help!!!!
Laura B
p.s Is end of Aug to late for this?????we are leaving Nowra last week of Aug and dont want to push things......
Reply By: Ruth from Birdsville Caravan Park - Thursday, Apr 13, 2006 at 21:35
Thursday, Apr 13, 2006 at 21:35
Laura - you can come down the raod from
Boulia to
Bedourie and you can turn left at Cluny Station and head to
Betoota and down to
Innamincka (via Arrabury) - BUT, and a big but - there is no fuel available from
Bedourie until you get to
Innamincka, so start adding up and make sure you have LOTS of fuel to do that.
Innamincka you can go to Arkaroola - but you need to re-think
Oodnadatta and maybe do that on you way up to Alice. I think you need to sit down quietly and work it out for yourself really.
Follow Up By: Laura B - Thursday, Apr 13, 2006 at 21:49
Thursday, Apr 13, 2006 at 21:49
how many Km with no fuel do you think it is????...we got an 80 on petrol/lpg land can get 700 safely on hwy speed loaded without we would say 600km for this part of the trip....with plenty left over.....
we were going to do Ood on the way up anyway but Arkaroola has only just popped into my head so not sure where it is.......
Thanks Ruth I might even try to figure out to come and see ya.....
Laura B
Follow Up By: Laura B - Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 19:17
Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 19:17
we're coming Ruth...but not till sept...gonna get meself to see ya's out there!!
Follow Up By: Laura B - Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 19:29
Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 19:29
anyone got LPG out your way???
Reply By: Willem - Thursday, Apr 13, 2006 at 22:05
Thursday, Apr 13, 2006 at 22:05
Methinks you are a tad confused
Go and buy yourself a Hema Road Atlas and sit down and work things out carefully.
Vehicles running on gas in the outback could be a problem especially in remote areas. I would stick to the main routes to be sure to obtain fuel supplies.
You may encounter some warm weather in September.
I suggest you try and do a loop on your travels and not out at angles as it will not be economical.
Follow Up By: Laura B - Thursday, Apr 13, 2006 at 22:12
Thursday, Apr 13, 2006 at 22:12
thats what im thinking too hey....the lost and and the angles....must be my tired brain trying to work after s long week!!LOL
Got Ron Moons 4wd map book in front of me and all that planning ive done over 5 months has been blown out the window!!
maybe i should just can the Arkaroola bit!!LOL - excuse for another holiday!!nice!
i know i cannt rely on the gas but im not planning on going to out there!! so i could be ok....
the warm weather is ok - its just the rain im worried about!!
so the plan is:
Ood track
AndadoMereenie loop
plenty hwy
then somehow to
cameron corner........
thanks mate....
when and where you goin bush???
Laura B
Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 04:32
Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 04:32
Why dont you go
Broken Hill,
Peterborough(drop in for a cuppa, we may be
home), then
Hawker, Wilpena, Parachilna,
Leigh Creek, Maree, Lake Eyre via Muloorina,
William Creek,
Oodnadatta, Dalhousie, Mt Dare, Old
Alice Springs. Do some touring around Alice for a week or so(lots to do) and then Plenty Hwy to
Walkers Crossing,
Innamincka( a diversion to Coongie and Callyamurra and
The Dig Tree),
Bore Track,
Cameron Corner,
White Cliffs,
Nyngan, Dubbo,
I am eaving
home on Saturday 22nd for Central Australia and then the
Simpson Desert. Will be away 3 to 4 weeks.
Follow Up By: Laura B - Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 07:26
Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 07:26
ok.......will sort that way out and see how we go from there.....thanks awake and fresh as a daisy - kinda - and will do some more map reading today and track lookin'.
whats that
bore track like? and
walkers crossing?
Follow Up By: Laura B - Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 19:27
Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 19:27
Ok Willem,
Figured out our trekin' so far.....
Broken hillPeterborough and for a cuppa if ya
Parachilna via
Leigh CreekMarree - is it better to go to Lake Eyre from here or wait until Wiliam Creek???
William Creek
Mt Dare
Finke - not Old
AndadoChambers Pillar
W' McD Ranges
back to Alice and head East
go to:
Emily & jessie Gaps
Trephina Gorge
Arltunga His. res.
Ruby Gap
Glen Annie Gorge
now from here have you done the treck through Claraville,The Garden,
Pinnacles Bore and head Nth to join to
Plenty highway???? I thought this might be better then doing E' McD and back tracking to Laice again and then heading up to join Plenty hwy.....
I have figured it out from
Boulia to
Birdsville - thats easy - but just working out how the
Walkers crossing bit.....thats off Strezleki Track isnt it??
My biggest task now is to find who has gas or not.....good fun!!!
Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 19:47
Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 19:47
Sounds pretty good
Its not a bad run to Lake Eyre from Maree and theres a
nice camp along the way.
Yep from Arltunga go via
Cattlewater Pass(same route as you have mentioned) to Plenty Hwy.
Carry some extra jerries of petrol with you for thoise long stretches where the gas is scarce.
There is a website which highlights all the LPG stations in Oz. Google it!!
Enjoy the planning.
Someone mentioned
Cordillo Downs....
well....VERY corrugated. Walkers X-ing much better choice. Walkers off
Birdsville Track. 'Bout 120km south of
Bore Track easy run if you can follow your nose as signs have been depleted
Reply By: Member - John - Thursday, Apr 13, 2006 at 22:06
Thursday, Apr 13, 2006 at 22:06
Laura, Arkaroola is in the Northern Flinders Rangers, should be on your maps some where, if you can't find it, give me a yell. Good luck with your planning.
Reply By: JJ - Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 07:51
Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 07:51
At a quick glance of the map, from the
Plenty Highway, I would go straight down to
Birdsville from
Boulia, then east (115kms across the B'ville Dev. Road) to
Cordillo Downs Road
junction and head south down the CDR the via Innaminacka. Then to Moomba or The Old Strezelrcki Track etc. & finally Cameron's Corner.
Of course, having never been there, I know nothing on road conditions. permits, supplies etc, but would not venture out in a single vehicle... if one gets 'lost' on a map!!!
However, from here it looks pretty straight forward to
St George and
Warwick. To Mt Lindsay H'way, up to
Beaudesert, Tamborine etc.
But I don't get where you are starting from with mention of The Gunbarrel, yet '...leaving Nowra last week of Aug...'.
It all looks easy on paper...
Reply By: David from David and Justine Olsen's 4WD Tag-Along - Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 19:03
Friday, Apr 14, 2006 at 19:03
You really need to do have a really good handle on where u want to go and then locate them all on the map. You really need to very familiar with the locaions and where they are on the map. Then...
1. work out total distance vs time available. Will you be driving for more than 3 or 4 hours every day to do it. If so maybe rethink. I know you can drive for longer than that, but if you do that for weeks on end your holiday will be a pain.
2. break the trip up manageable daily sections and work out the daily distances travelled, time taken which depends on terrain and average driving speed of quite a bit less than 80 kph depending on roads. 80 kph is a good rule of thumb for the time you spend driving, but remember you have to look at the scenery, stop to fuel up and eat etc etc etc.
3. work out where your fuel stops are, and be sure you can safely make it to them and remember that fuel consumption depends on terrain, so you need to know typical fuel consumption figures. In remote terrain you should really have a reserve of fuel for each leg ie more than you require by about 25% if possible.
4. Break the trip into legs of several days with a major town if possible at each leg end. Allow an extra day at these if possible.
If you go from Nowra to Innaminka (not sure which roads becasue I haven't looked yet, then you can go down the
Bore track or Stzelecki to Mt Hopless then.
I haven't looked at your available time so this doesn't take that into account, but...
From Mt Hopless you can go south to Arkaroola. Arkaroola is definitely a great place, then from Arkaroola you can go to
Copley, Leigh Ck (take a break here) -
Lyndhurst, Maree up the
Oodnadatta track to
Marla, from
Marla to Alice on the Stuart (visit Uluru if you want), take a day at Alice, go from Alice to
Boulia then down to
Bedourie Betoota and on to Ruthsville ahhem
Dave O