The Lynd Junction

Submitted: Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 08:34
ThreadID: 34757 Views:7545 Replies:8 FollowUps:3
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Hi guys and Gals

We are off tomorrow to FNQ from Sydney.

Planning to travel via Bourke, Charleville and then a town in Outback QLD called Aramac (sister in law is working there for a stint).

We then Plan to travel up to Atherton via the back way traveling through Hughenden.

On that road is a roadhouse named on the MAp as The Lynd Junction.

Does anyone know if there is any basic camping stops around this area?

If not any suggestions on an alternate overnight spot somewhere in the close vicinity?


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Reply By: Willem - Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 09:01

Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 09:01
Aramac is an interesting place......the trees all grow at an angle due to the excessive winds they have there. While you are in the area go to Muttaburra and have a look at the now extinct Muttaburrasaurus.

About 25km north of The Lynd there used to be a couple of camp spots off the side of the road at Eight Mile Creek(not marked on Hema Maps). I accessed the creek through a gate and found some nice shade right next to the waters edge. Was a tricky job getting the caravan in there though. There wasn't much traffic on the road then(circa 1997)

There used to be camp spots everywhere along the roads in FNQ but as I have said, this was a while ago. I found a great little secluded quarry right in the jungle and quite close to Atherton on the road from Ravenshoe
AnswerID: 177608

Reply By: Member - Ian M (QLD) - Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 10:22

Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 10:22
Hi Kelvin,
We were up that way last week.
Every town up that way cliams to be the Dinasour capital of the world but Muttaburra's was one of he most significant finds (as Willem says) and going through Muttaburra is the way we went to Hughenden. Road is under repair and in parts has a high centre from beef trains after the rain. May be repaired by the time you get there though as there were a couple of crews on it. Still easy in a 4WD!
Porcupine Gorge on the road to The Lynd has a bush camp and the view and walks aren't bad at all - about 65ks north of Hughenden. We didn't look at camping at The Lynd - but it has a population of 2 and the world's smallest bar so I wouldn't expect too much.
If you are thinking of having a look at Undara Lave Tubes you will need to book ahead - possibly even to stay in Mt Surprise. The tubes are worth spending the time to look at - only way is on a guided tour to preserve the area.

Have fun,

AnswerID: 177629

Follow Up By: Member - Pezza (QLD) - Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 10:46

Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 10:46
Have to disagree with Ian, Lava tubes are a big waste of money IMO, set up for overseas tourists and highly inflated prices to suit. Spend what you save by not bothering on a bit of extra fuel to go to Chilagoe, and go to the caves there, 3 seperate caves, 3 seperate tours, 9am, 11am, 1pm, at $13 @ ( a couple of years ago) We have been to a few caves around the country and can HIGHLY recomend these.

FollowupID: 433754

Reply By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 10:28

Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 10:28
We up through there a couple of years ago and camped south of The Lynd Junction, on the banks of a creek, just off the road. It was right near the station property called "THE LYND". Had a rough night as they had been mustering and the chopper didn't finish work until just on dark.....the yards were only about 1klm away so we heard all the dissatisfied cattle all night and the bloody chopper was off again at 1st light. To top it off, a road train roared through in the middle of the night (we were only about 5 meters off the road) and sounded like he was gunna clean us up good and proper!!!!!! hahahaha

All in all it was a great little spot for a quick overnight stop. The noise factor just added to the ambience.
AnswerID: 177631

Reply By: Member - Pezza (QLD) - Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 10:36

Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 10:36
The Lynd Junction is a small BP roadhouse, it has a nice camping area behind the servo with all amenities, also has rooms if you don't feel like camping.
Don't forget to give yourself 1/2 a day to walk to the bottom of Porcupine gorge, it's worth it, there is also camping at the gorge, free I think.
The dirt rd from The Lynd to hughenden is a good 80-100kph rd most of the way, the roughest bit being the last stretch between Porcupine gorge and Hughenden.
Can also recomend the Allan Terry C/P at Hughenden, clean and pleasant, and with the only green grass you are likly to see in the area.
The rd between Muttaburra and Hughenden is single width in places and roughness will depend on when the grader was last through, carefull on that road if it's wet, lot of black soil.
Also, make sure you have your bathers handy for a quick dip in the Innot Hot Springs, the 'springs' is the actual Ck you drive over in town, easy to miss, park in front of the c/p.
Happy holidays.


AnswerID: 177633

Follow Up By: Member - MrBitchi (QLD) - Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 13:04

Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 13:04
Pezza, last year the roughest stretch was the top 50k's. Rest was OK. Like any dirt road, depends on when the grader went through...

Camping at Porcupie gorge is free. Only amenity is a long drop...
FollowupID: 433778

Follow Up By: Member - Ian M (QLD) - Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 14:38

Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 14:38
I thought there was a bloody earthquake at the Alan Terry park last week.
In the middle of the night they decided to shunt a bloody long train - you could here the couplings engage from one end of the yards to the other. Don't think it would matter where you were in the park - it was a " bleep what's that" kind of noise. Other than that a good spot to stop!
As I said elsewhere - last week Muttaburra to Hughenden was cut up a bit but two crews were on it so it should be a breeze now.
Pocupine Gorge is a good walk - pretty steep coming up but we ran into a woman with a pacemaker doing it - if she could any one else should do it without even puffing!

FollowupID: 433809

Reply By: Howard T - Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 11:41

Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 11:41
Hi Kelvin
Dont know too much about camping spots but be aware of the road transports they are long and own the road. Also be carefull of the road edges they can be pretty sharp and deep.
Have a good trip

AnswerID: 177641

Reply By: Joe King - Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 19:10

Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 19:10
if you decide to go to the lava tubes (Undara), you are better off going up through Einasleigh where you can camp accross from the pub at the copperfield gorge, continue up to Forsayth, Georgetown to Mt Surprise, just saves you from back tracking when you leave the Oasis (Lynd Junction Roadhouse)and get to the turn off to Mt Surprise.
just out of Forsayth there is the Cobbold Gorge too, well worth a look...
BUT, if you decide when you get to Hughenden, you can head east to Prairie, Torrens Ck, White Mountians nat park, Pentland to Charters Towers, (2 half hrs drive from Hughenden to Charters Towers) & head North up the Lynd Highway, 40 k's up is the Fletcher Ck camp site at the Great basalt Wall & Dalrymple nat park. another 60k's up the Lynd highway is Bluewater Springs, 100 k's from there is the township of Greenvale and 40k's from there is where you come out at the Oasis at the Lynd junction, past the 40 mile scrub on up through Innot hot springs to Mt Garnet....
hope this helps you a bit
AnswerID: 177719

Reply By: ellen m - Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 21:06

Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 21:06
Hi kelvin,

sorry dont know much about The LYnd (20 years since I've been there) but when in Hughenden make sure you get a cream bun from the bakery. They were the best we tasted in the whole of australia.

enjoy your trip

AnswerID: 177741

Reply By: David from David and Justine Olsen's 4WD Tag-Along - Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 21:13

Friday, Jun 09, 2006 at 21:13
Go on to Mt Suprise
AnswerID: 177743

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