Tuesday, May 27, 2003 at 16:02
To say outright Speed Kills. is a load of bunkum.
Speed is relative.
A crash at 80kph in a Merc or BMW and chances are you walk away.
Same thing in a Datto 120Y . . . whats the likely outcome.
Within 2kms of my place, we have 7 different speed zones.
40,50,60,70,80,90 and 100 and just up the road a k or so 110kph.
NSW has different School Zone times then does ACT.
You used to be able to tell what speed zone you were in by the lights and driveways, or lack thereof. Means nothing these days.
No wonder people are having accidents, they spend more time worrying about what speed they are doing, then actually watching the road.
Speed Kills . . . Rubbish. I'm not saying it doesn't play a part though.