Thursday, Feb 14, 2008 at 22:56
I've had a few visits to Lake Eyre:
1977 when dry
1989 when fully flooded
2000 when largely flooded
And a couple of other times when dry.
What you experience depends on your expectations. If you've never seen the lake, its great to go out to somewhere like
Level Post Bay (via Muloorina) at any time and take it in. Its pretty vast, walk out on its crusty surface until your feet sink into the black slime. The country surrounding the Lake is pretty intersesting, and the
camp site at Muloorina is very good
bush camping (donation to RFDS).
Experience when full is very different, and depends on where you see it. From
Level Post Bay, it has to be 100% full to get your ankles wet - it was pretty much that way in 1989. And was very full in 1974.
In 2000 we had an exceptional experience, being guided by
Malcolm from
Muloorina Station. He took a group of us across the Causeway (between the North and South Lakes) and up the Babbage peninsula. The edge of the Lake here is very deep - its like being down at
the beach. The birdlife was prolific. On the edge of the water were swarms of little shrimp. You can see some of the flocks of Pelicans through binoculars. Theres a
lookout with a Cairn, and some spectacular formations called Camel Canyon, from memory. It took a long days driving to do
the loop around Babbage peninsula from
I also did the Plane flight in 2000 with Wrights Air from
William Creek. Worth every cent when the Lake is in flood. I have no idea what it looks like when dry, but I found the sanddunes very interesting to look at from teh air too.
As for it flooding again, Im a disbeliever at present. Theres about 5 main rivers that feed Lake Eyre.
Warburton may throw a splash in at the top.
Cooper Creek won't reach Lake eyre. And the rivers to the west have had no rain and are dry. But I'd love to see a lot more rain fall, and see some water in the Lake.
I'll see if I can dig up some photos, but it won't be until tomorrow night.
visited the Lake Eyre South when dry in 1977 (3 years after the huge 1974 floods)
Then lake Eyre North via
level post Bay during the
via Muloorina in 1989
Follow Up By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Thursday, Feb 14, 2008 at 23:37
Thursday, Feb 14, 2008 at 23:37
Lake Eyre in flood from the air:
Sand Dunes from the air:
Lake eyre Shoreline from Babbage Peninsula June 2000:
Camel Canyon - waters of Lake Eyre are off to the left.
Follow Up By: Member - bushfix - Friday, Feb 15, 2008 at 09:09
Friday, Feb 15, 2008 at 09:09
awesome photos Phil, thanks for putting them up.
Follow Up By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Friday, Feb 15, 2008 at 11:43
Friday, Feb 15, 2008 at 11:43
Those photos were taken with my first digital camera a Kodak DC215 which is about 1/2 a megapixel! My photos from earlier trips are on slides - I'll see if I can do some sort of a conversion tonight.