Places to go Boulia to Ayres Rock - suggestions please

The family and I are heading to Ayres Rock over the school holidays and am wondering on suggestions for places to go and things to see along the way.

Will be travelling via Boulia Qld in a 200 series cruiser with off road camper in tow. I have 2 weeks to do it in.

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Reply By: Member - Mark (Tamworth NSW) - Sunday, Jun 05, 2011 at 21:38

Sunday, Jun 05, 2011 at 21:38
14 Days, less 4 days travel to from Boulia to Alice, less 3 days at Uluru, less 2 days at Kings Canyon (includes travel from Uluru) less 2 say in Alice only leaves you 3 extra days.
What some people find interesting, others won't, depends on the age of your kids and their interests VS other people.
We didn't sightsee on Boulia- Alice road, somehow feel we must have missed something?

Other options are East Mac ranges which I haven't seen but many people say are the best. I haven't been to Palm Valley either, want to get there one day. I've spent almost 2 weeks in the West Macs though and going back for more in August.
Recommend staying overnight about 130km west of Alice at Ormiston Gorge, rather than Glen Helen "resort" and walk the Ormiston Pound walk, probably 3-4 hours. Stanley Chasm, Simpson's Gap are on all the tourist brochures.
Maybe put it together with overnight at Palm Valley, there's your 14 days

IF you do a search on Uluru/ Ayres Rock you will find heaps of information. A person called "MarkSom" has asked plenty of questions in past month, look up his threads.
AnswerID: 456507

Reply By: Member - Rod N (QLD) - Sunday, Jun 05, 2011 at 21:58

Sunday, Jun 05, 2011 at 21:58
Where are you starting from? Which way do you intend to return? It's a long way in 2 weeks, particularly with the slower going on dirt roads.
AnswerID: 456512

Follow Up By: 100 Series - Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 08:59

Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 08:59
I realise it is a long way, we may be able to get an extra week to do the trip.

We will be leaving from Moranbah which is west of Mackay, stop at Winton or Boulia for day one and then go via the Plenty Hwy.

Thanks for all your replies so far
FollowupID: 729590

Reply By: Motherhen - Sunday, Jun 05, 2011 at 23:00

Sunday, Jun 05, 2011 at 23:00
Hi, I sound like you have a lot of travelling to get there so you won't be able to take in too much sightseeing. To give you an idea of what you can see around Alice (we spent five weeks and didn't see it all), check our travelogues at:2008 Travelogues Central Australia.

Kings Canyon rim walk was the best walk of the area.Palm Valley is lovely too.

If you have not been there before (you don't say where you are coming from) Boulia itself has an interesting fossil display, the Min Min Experience at the visitor Centre, and is a friendly outback town. My travelogues for 2009 are not yet completed.

I take it you are planning to go via the Plenty? There is Gemtree towards the western end if you are interested in gemstones or fossicking.

If you are going back the same way, you could save the sightseeing for the return journey if you have time left.


Red desert dreaming

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AnswerID: 456518

Reply By: Member - nick b - Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 07:38

Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 07:38
In your 100 : How about gem tree , Alice ,western Mc Donald's ,loop around to kings canyon ,rock ,back to Alice via stuart hwy .

plenty to see in Alice and around ,good luck & good travels

cheers nick
Cheers Nick b

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AnswerID: 456524

Reply By: Ray - Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 08:06

Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 08:06
I'm glad to see you still refer to Ayres Rock as Ayres Rock unlike some.
AnswerID: 456530

Reply By: Great Divide Tours - Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 10:21

Monday, Jun 06, 2011 at 10:21
In Boulia make sure you see the MINI MIN Encounter allow 1 hour and the Museum around the corner, allow another hour. The Plenty is a reasonable outback road provided it has not rained, You should allow at least 1.5 days to drive it. If time permits take the Cattlewater Pass track which is found between Harts Range and Gemtree on your left. Allow a day to explore it from the Plenty to Arltunga, Ross River, N'Dhala gorge and into Alice. As mentioned by others there is heaps to see around Alice, don't miss Ormiston Gorge. The run into Palm Valley is worth doing too, but this will burn another day at least. Also take time to visit Hermannsburg on the way. The Mereenie Loop is great and if you had the time you could visit Gosse Bluff on the way. Agree, the Kings Canyon rim walk is fantastic, allow half a day to do it. Don't forget that if you intend to climb Ayers rock, that if the wind registers above 15 kph they close the climb, this is occurring quite a lot now.
AnswerID: 456551

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