Finns Beach Campground - TAS

  Camp Free


DEG: -43.548486 146.887203
DMS: 43º 32' 54.55" S 146º 53' 13.95" E
UTM: 55 G 5178268mN 490888mE
Altitude: 5.43m


Place Type

Camps & Accom - Camp Free


82.3kms SouthWest of Hobart - Driving 116 km (2 hours 29 mins)

Address & Contact

365 Cockle Creek Rd
Recherche TAS 7109
Phone: 03 6264 8460
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Finns Beach Campground is one of a number of free camping areas in the Recherche Bay Nature Recreation Area. It is located directly opposite the delightful Finns Beach which is often more sheltered than in the Southwest national park at Cockle Creek.Facilities at this camp (and all camps in the Recherche Recreation Area) are limited to long drop toilets. Camps are accessible by all vehicles including large caravans, motorhomes, tents, camper trailers and campervans.No bins or water. Dogs and generators and campfires are permitted with restrictions. The main reason people come to this area is to enter the National Park to visit Australia's most southern point - South Cape. A walking track of 16km return can be done from the day-use carpark in the National Park (just over the bridge at Cockle Creek) to South Cape Bay. This walk follows a portion of the 85km one-way hike called the South Coast Track.
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Closest Weather Station

Cape Bruny AWS at 07/04:00pm EDT
Distance from Finns Beach Campground 21.77km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Cape Bruny (Cape Bruny)
Distance from Finns Beach Campground 21.77km E
Mean Max. °C19.719.818.416.414.312.412.012.914.315.216.918.3
Mean Min. °C12.112.411.
Mean Rain mm44.760.355.854.962.274.872.390.272.166.655.658.1

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