Saturday, Dec 14, 2013 at 14:20
There's a lot of
places in Australia that are worthy of living in. I was born in, and I've lived in
Perth for more than half my life. I've lived in the S.E. wheatbelt of W.A., the Northern and Southern Goldfields of W.A. - in Western
Sydney - and in inland Victoria. I've stayed for extended periods in
Brisbane and the GC, and even
Marble Bar!
I enjoyed living in most of them, particularly the heavily-treed Southern Goldfields, around Kambalda and
I also really enjoyed the S.E. wheatbelt for its peacefulness and beauty, especially the heavier treed areas there, too.
Every one of these
places has its highs and lows, and its particularly scenic spots and interesting and historic
However, for "lifestyle", you can't beat living close to the water somewhere - as 80% of Australians do. If you have a particularly scenic view, even better.
I don't like the cold, so I can't see myself living in the lower Southern parts of Australia.
I currently live in a leafy inner-city
Perth suburb, and that suits me just fine. From where I live, there's easy and close access to major highways that make getting out of the city easy - along with easy and close access to both domestic and international air terminals.
All my neighbours are quiet and friendly. A number of friends and family live not far away. There's no hoons or partygoers anywhere near us. We had one drug-dealing house about 400M up the street, the police sorted them out several times, and now there's no problem from that house.
My rates and water costs are modest, we have
solar power that ensures our total annual power bill is about $300.
We have no major traffic, noise or pollution problems.
Houses put up for sale in my suburb usually sell within days, such is the demand for the area, and the suburbs good name.
I have hundreds of excellent cafes and restaurants to choose from within a 10km radius, along with at least 20 pubs. Several of those pubs are top-class and reasonably priced, as are many dozens of the cafes and restaurants.
I have river access within 3 kms,
beach access within 18 kms, and 3 major shopping malls with all the bells and whistles within 5kms.
There's one of Perths biggest industrial/retail areas within 5 kms. My 18M x 12M workshop and large yard is just 4 kms away and it takes me 6 mins to get there. I can ride my bike there, if I feel like it.
The climate here is highly enjoyable for all but the months of July and August, when it gets too cold for us. That's the months we go roaming and exploring to warmer climes.
I can't see myself moving anywhere else in the near future. We've lived in the same spot for 23 1/2 years, and we've only ever had one minor crime committed against our property in that time, and that was 23 yrs ago. Even my workshop is totally safe, I've never lost a single item, nor had any attempted break-ins, in 13 years.
I think most people choose their spot to live because of family ties, or because of their job.
Some choose their spot to live for their selected lifestyle (major boating, fishing or watersport interests) and nothing else.
Whatever spot you choose, there's nearly always a downside of some type - either climate problems, distance to facilities, annoying neighbours, or poor social aspects such as hoons and partygoers running amok. I doubt that there's the one totally perfect spot.
The media did a story on an old couple living on an island in the Buccaneer Archipelago. Despite the glorious surroundings, they face a lack of social life, costly living, and a lack of important facilities such as health facilities. I guess they can claim they have no annoying neighbours, though. [:-)