Saturday, Mar 20, 2010 at 07:56
Coz.....Your faced with climbing a steepish track and cant engage 4wd, after a bit of cussing you decide to attack it in 2wd.
Half way up traction is lost and as your sliding back the fuel tank ruptures on an old fallen branch you dont see. Pondering the situation, you light a smoke which inadvertently sets fire to the vehicle and surrounding bush.
As the extingusher is buried beneath all the camping gear you decide to drive the vehicle into the croc infested river 2 metres away. This does put the fire out but the dog jumps out and gets taken. Still in 2wd your not going to drive out of this one in a hurry so decide to float down stream till you reach shallows.
When you finally get there, luck has it that another 4wder is camped nearby and
winches you out. After a few
well earned beers you climb under and try to repair the fuel tank, but unaware your laying on a venomous snake which strikes you several times. Thats ok though, theres a fully stocked
first aid box somewhere in the car. The only problem is the instruction booklet got used as
toilet paper a few days ago, so you knock back another dozen beers to dilute the poison and head for the nearest town.
Half way there, absolutely shickered, you hit a tree. Put the bullbar straight through the radiator and and your head into the windscreen. You wipe the blood from your face and open another beer.
At this point, the missus who has quietly been knitting next to you, pulls a needle out and shoves it in your die !
' potentially dangerous '